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If you are looking for a dog trainer, you do not need to look any further than Dave Stephens. In a word, Dave is amazing. In two words, he is really amazing. At different times, Dave has trained two of our German Shepherds. The first dog Dave trained was “Colonel” and he was perfect—great with other people and animals. Dave’s dedication to perfection gave us a great friend and family member in Colonel. The second German Shepherd that Dave trained for us was “Deuce”. When we brought Deuce home from the breeder—and for several weeks thereafter—we were convinced that his high drive and lack of focus would make it impossible to ever have the kind of pet we could really enjoy. We were convinced that perfect dogs only come along once in a lifetime. Well, after Dave was done training Deuce we were pleasantly surprised to discover that we had been blessed a second time. Deuce has exceeded all of our expectations and we couldn’t be happier with him. Dave’s patience, professionalism and commitment is unmatched. We have met many of the dogs that Dave has trained for people and would be happy to bring any one of them home with us-- a huge testament to the results that Dave consistently gets.
Patrick Hicks.

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client testimonials


I’m writing this letter because I want to people to know how much David at Got K9 Training has changed our lives. When we first adopted our German Shepard “Ginger”, she was totally out of control. We couldn’t walk her around other dogs without her going crazy! Her previous owner had not socialized her with other people. She was never trained on how to “Behave”! We’ll, until…. we hired David. David is truly our local “Dog Whisperer”… We were immediately amazed by his skills in our first consultation. Within an hour David had Ginger under control and behaving around other dogs. She was no longer barking or pulling on the leash wildly like “Cugo”! Ginger is now the “The Perfect” Dog… and David continues to teach us how to refine our handling skills. David is amazing, talented and a very kind person! I highly recommend him to anyone who needs help training their pets. Sincerly….Celeste, Bill, and Ginger…

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I want to give you a big thank you for helping me get my dog back. A dog I never really had. After 4 years of frustration and thousands of dollars spent on training for Ole, our Standard Poodle, I never thought that he would be a dog that I could enjoy and have fun with. Ole has always had a mind of his own and is more interested in what’s “on the other side of the fence” than in minding me. I couldn’t even take him to an enclosed dog park anymore because he just wouldn’t come when he was called. For 4 years our activities together consisted of him on a leash and me hoping and praying we wouldn’t come near any other dogs for fear of the show that he would put on…….jumping, barking, pulling. Then I saw you working with a dog at the park and I was mesmerized. I asked for your help and you convinced me that Ole needed more training. Your training was the best money I could have ever spent! Now Ole and I both enjoy leash free walks in the park with other dogs and he also can go hiking with me. I know that he is enjoying his life a lot more and I definitely am. Now I am proud to be with him instead of being embarrassed! Thank you so much for letting me have the dog that I always wanted.

My husband and I adopted “Bear” eight months ago from the Lied Animal Shelter. He was identified as a 115 lb., three year old male Bouvier. He had been at the shelter for many weeks. While Bear has some house manners, he certainly needed additional “in house” and “outside” manners addressed in more depth…this is when Dave enters the picture. Dave Stephens was highly recommended by a school colleague of mine as the one for the job. During the initial home visit, he explained in detail his techniques and expectations for Bear and me. I was immediately convinced that his specialized program, positive attitude and commitment to dogs would be what we needed. The first training session proved to be even more than I anticipated. Dave’s professionalism and patience (with dog and handler) were incredible and have continued that way through the weeks and weeks of training. His flexibility in working to meet the scheduling needs of his clients is commendable. Thanks to Dave I am liking my dog more and more each day!
Beverly J Hudson
Lewis E Rowe ES

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After spending a lot of money with other dog training companies, we were fortunate enough to find Got K9 Training. Within minutes Dave had my uncontrollable German Shepherd walking calmly on leash. Had I not seen it, I would not have believed that such a quick turn around was possible. I have worked with Dave to train both of my dogs and I wish I had found Got K9 much earlier. I can now take both my dogs on a walk instead of them pulling me down the street. It is a very liberating feeling to be in charge of the situation.

Kelly Hildreth.


The Dog Whisperer’s got nothing on David at Got K9. He is an excellent trainer with great command and presence. Our dogs instantly respected him and within a few short minutes they were already learning and obeying. Just as importantly, David gets the owners involved in the training so you can learn his techniques and practice them when he’s not around. We are very pleased with his services and our dogs are much better behaved and much easier to command today.”

Paul and Martina


Xeana” the Princess Warrior, and that’s exactly what our k9 friend thought she was. A very high energy Blue Heeler. We were exasperated as to what to do with this out of control dog and ready to take her to the pound. Fortunately on the way to the dog park one day I discovered David Stephens training other dogs. We were so impressed the way he handled the dogs, that we asked him to train Xeana. Now after almost 4 weeks of training our dog with David “( Got K9 Training)” Xeana, is on the road to being a well behaved and pleasant loving dog to be around.
“THANK YOU DAVID” for your expertise, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Beth and Xeana.